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325 books to browse, currently displaying 61 - 80

Women, Touch and Power in Seventeenth-Century England

Laura Gowing

Change Without Choice in Britain

Richard Rose and Phillip L. Davies

A History of Indigenous Claims in the United States

David E. Wilkins

An American Tradition

Lewis Perry

The Salary Revolution in American Government, 1780-1940

Nicholas R. Parrillo

Edited by C. Michael Henry; Foreword by James Tobin

Realist Thought in International Relations since Machiavelli

Jonathan Haslam

Why We Should Learn to Love Leaks, Raids, and Free Riding

Orly Lobel

How the Web Binds the World Together in Commerce

Anupam Chander

Essays on the Rule of Law

Edited by F. H. Buckley

The Autobiography of Raphael Lemkin

Edited by Donna-Lee Frieze

The New American Constitution

William N. Eskridge Jr. and John Ferejohn

9/11 and the Making of National Identity

Joseph Margulies

A First Amendment Jurisprudence for the Modern State

Robert C. Post

Lillian Hellman, Mary McCarthy, and the Failure of Public Conversation in America

Alan Ackerman

The Lasting Legacy of the Laissez Faire Revival

Thomas O. McGarity

It Takes a Movement

Julius G. Getman

Anatomy of a Murder Trial

Janet Malcolm

Personal Responsibility in a World of Limits

Kent Greenfield
