History » European History


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935 books to browse, currently displaying 101 - 120

The Imperial Household

Sylvain Cordier

An Early History of the King of Gems

Jack Ogden

From Louis XIV to the French Revolution

Edited by Daniëlle O. Kisluk-Grosheide and Bertrand Rondot...

A Supernatural History of the Third Reich

Eric Kurlander

The Führer's Hidden Passion

Bill Niven

How Foreign Correspondents Risked Capture, Torture and Death to Cover World War II

Ray Moseley

Promoting Kings and Commonwealths in England, 1603-1660

Kevin Sharpe

The Intellectual Revolution of the 1870s

Eliyahu Stern

The Great Jewish Migrations to the New World and the Peddlers Who Forged the Way

Hasia R. Diner

Poland, France, and "Revolution," 1891-1956

Piotr H. Kosicki

Musician, Celebrity, Superstar

Oliver Hilmes; Translated by Stewart Spencer

A History of Catherine the Great’s Southern Empire

Kelly O'Neill

Science and the Mechanical Arts in Old Regime France

Paola Bertucci

Edited by Anne Curry and Malcolm Mercer

A New History of Hitler's Brownshirts

Daniel Siemens

The Rise and Fall of the Angevin Empire

Richard Huscroft

Art, Empire, and Infrastructure

Peter H. Christensen

Varujan Vosganian; Translated from the Romanian by...
