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536 books to browse, currently displaying 521 - 536

Colonial America`s First Portrait Painter

Richard H. Saunders

The Role of Design Review

Edited by J. Carter Brown

New Approaches to Nineteenth-Century Art and Literature

Edited by David C. Miller

Volume 2 2-2, Parts 1 & 2

Benjamin Henry Latrobe; Edited by Jeffrey A. Cohen and...

American Visual Experience During World War Two

George Roeder, Jr.

Art and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century America

David M. Lubin

The Politics of Everyday Life

Elizabeth Johns

Transforming Visions of the American West

Jules David Prown, Nancy K. k Anderson, William Cronon,...

The Politics of Everyday Life

Elizabeth Johns

Origins of the American Suburb, 1820-1939

John R. Stilgoe

Volume 1 2-1, The Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe

Benjamin Henry Latrobe; Edited and with an introductory...

Architectural Theory and Design from Downing to the Origins of Wright; Revised Edition

Vincent J. Scully, Jr.
